Beyond Pills

We made over-prescription front page news

We were brought on board to help launch the Beyond Pills campaign, an initiative from the College of Medicine conceived to raise public awareness around the UK’s over-prescribing epidemic, involving policy makers and leading specialists such as Dr Michael Dixon, Chair of the College of Medicine.

We helped the team distil clear, compelling media messages around this complex health issue. With turnaround between brief and execution tight, our campaign included punchy press releases and case studies; and eye-catching graphics and social media content, all under-pinned by the College of Medicine’s data on the issue.

We worked quickly to leverage our relationships with health journalists, and over just six days we secured coverage across 11 national outlets including the front pages of The Times and the Daily Express, and broadcast hits with Times Radio and London Live. Our social media content generated over 1,000 engagements over the short campaign period.

The campaign reached an estimated audience of 2.8 million, creating national profile and successfully establishing a solid platform the Beyond Pills team could leverage to put pressure for change on the NHS and Government.

We secured front-page comments and bylined articles in key national press

Colourful graphics to boost online engagement

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