Create Health Foundation

Making the case for better laws to protect women’s health

We worked with our client the pioneering fertility expert Dr Geeta Nargund, plus the CREATE Health Foundation and MP Siobhain McDonagh to campaign for a change in law to protect the health of women going through IVF treatment.

We shaped compelling campaign messages to support Geeta and Siobhain as they pushed the Private Members Bill through parliament.

Our work increased public awareness about how current legislation was failing women and aimed to win support across parliament – with the campaign including a round table event for MPs co-hosted by activist June Sarpong, and an official petition.

Our media relations, leveraging case studies of women’s experiences, focused on milestones in the passage of the bill. We secured a platform for campaign messages in national broadcast, print and online media including: Sky News, BBC London News, LBC, Radio X, Daily Telegraph and the Sunday Express.

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